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Solinst Discrete Interval Sampler Model 425
Solinst Discrete Interval Sampler Model 425

Solinst Discrete Interval Sampler Model 425

Equipment available for both rental and purchase
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Pine Item #61277

Discrete interval sampling is ideal for obtaining truly representative water samples from below floating product layers (LNAPL) and for obtaining samples of the product itself (LNAPL and DNAPL).

This water sampler can be used to profile open bodies of water, open boreholes, and screened wells, and to collect samples from distinct levels or points of inflow.

There is negligible disturbance as can be caused by pumping and purging. Mixing of water from different levels in the well is minimized.

Purging and disposal of purged water can be avoided. Sampling directly from a specific depth results in the collection of water which is most representative of the groundwater outside of the well at that depth.

Discrete interval sampler

The Solinst Model 425 is a stainless steel sampler, with LDPE tubing mounted on the convenient Solinst reel. The reel has a pressure attachment for the high-pressure hand pump and a pressure/vent switch which is used to apply and release the pressure on the sampler. A sample release device is included with each Discrete Interval Sampler.

The sampler is pressurized using a high-pressure hand pump before being lowered into the well to prevent water from flowing into the sampler on the way down the well. Once the desired depth is reached, the pressure is released and hydrostatic pressure fills the sampler with water directly from the sampling zone.

When the sampler is filled, it can be repressurized and raised to the surface. The sample is decanted using the sample release device, which regulates flow and minimizes degassing of the sample.

The sampler is ideal for groundwater sampling from below an oil/product layer on the surface of the water, as it allows a sample to be obtained which is untouched by the oil. The sampler is easily disassembled for decontamination.

  • Obtaining a representative groundwater sample from below oil/product layers
  • Discrete interval sampling in lakes, rivers, and wells
  • Chemical profiling of wells
  • A sampling at points of inflow to well
  • LNAPL and DNAPL sampling
VOC sampling

Discrete interval samplers (DIS) are excellent for VOC sampling. There is no mixing with water from different levels in the well. The sample does not travel through a long length of tubing, risking the loss of volatile organics. The sample has minimal contact with air.

For the most accurate VOC results, the Model 425T Transportable DIS can be used. It retains the volatiles at down-hole conditions with zero headspaces during retrieval and transport to the laboratory.

  • High-quality samples
  • The sample has not been pumped through tubing
  • No mixing of water from different levels
  • Minimal disturbance of the water
  • Easy disassembly for decontamination
  • Avoids purging and disposal of purge water
  • Easy operation and transportation

Samplers are constructed of stainless steel with Viton???? o-rings, FEP, and polypropylene check balls.

Tubing most commonly used is low-density polyethylene (LDPE), however, FEP or FEP-lined polyethylene tubing is also available. Depth markers may be ordered for the tubing in either feet or meters, as an optional extra.

Quantity must be 1 or more

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