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Fischer Feritscope MP30 Eddy Current and Magnetic Induction Unit
Fischer Feritscope MP30 Eddy Current and Magnetic Induction Unit

Fischer Feritscope MP30 Eddy Current and Magnetic Induction Unit

Equipment available for both rental and purchase
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Pine Item #54863

The rugged MP30 hand-held Feritscope is ideal for users who need separate eddy current and magnetic induction units with full measurement storage, downloading and printing capabilities. The MP30 Feritscope measures ferrite parts found in chemical, utility and other processing plants that are often exposed to heat, aggressive media and high pressure. The ferrit scope determines if the ferrite content is too low or too high.


Non-destructive measurement of the ferrite content in a range of 0.1 to 110 FN or 0.1 to 80% Fe in austenitic and duplex steel.

Simple measurement even for complex specimen geometry.

Battery or line operation.

Large LCD display for characteristic measurement and statistical values as well as pictograms for status display and text lines for operator instructions.

RS232 interface for data transfer to PC or printer.

Automatic measurement acceptance at probe contact or with external start.

Acoustical signal at measurement acceptance.

Statistical evaluation of test series and display of min. max. and mean value number of measurements standard deviation as well as date and time.

Outlier control for automatic elimination of erroneous measurements

Input of specification limits.

Free-running display with additional presentation of the measurement as analog bar between selected specification limits.

Memory capacity for max. 10000 measurements in 1000 blocks in up to 100 applications. Fixed or free block size selection.

Measurement units selectable between WRC-FN and %Fe.

5 Display languages selectable.

No influence of the electr. conductivity of the specimen.

Only one calibration required for the entire practically relevant measurement range from 0.1 to about 90 FN. Measurement accuracy according to ANSI/AWS A4.2M/A4.2:1997 standard.

Calibration with standards traceable to TWI secondary standards or with customer-specific standards.

Quantity must be 1 or more


Technical Specifications

Range0.1 to 100FN or 0.1 to 80% Fe in austenitic and duplex steel
Data TransferRS232 interface for data transfer to PC or printer
Memory CapacityMax 10000 measurements in 1000 blocks in up to 100 applications fixed or free block size selection
Measurement UnitsSelectable between WRC-FN and %Fe
DisplayMin. max. and mean value number of measurements standard deviation as well as date and time
Power9V batteries
Isoscope MP30 Measurement MethodEddy Current Method
Isoscope MP30 Power SupplyBattery 9V6LR61 or NiCad battery AC power supply
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