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RAE Systems UltraRAE 3000
RAE Systems

RAE Systems UltraRAE 3000

Equipment available for both rental and purchase
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Pine Item #51246

The UltraRAE 3000 is the most advanced Compound-Specific Monitor on the market.  Its Photoionization Detector (PID) extended range of 0.05 to 10,000 ppm in VOC mode and 50 ppb to 200 ppm in benzene-specific mode makes it an ideal instrument for applications from entry pre-screening during refinery and plant maintenance to hazardous material response, marine spill response and refinery down-stream monitoring.


3-second response in VOC mode or 60 seconds in compound-specific mode

Extended range up to 10000 ppm (in VOC mode) with improved linearity

Automatic temperature-controlled sampling time calculation

Detects benzene down to 50 ppb (0.05 ppm)

Humidity compensation with built-in humidity sensor


Confined Space Entry

Environmental Cleanups and Remediation


Hazmat Reponse

Leak Detection

Shutdowns and Turnarounds

Perimeter Monitoring

Quantity must be 1 or more


Technical Specifications

VOCsRange: 1000-9999ppm / Resolution: 1ppm / response time <3 sec
BenzeneRange: 0-200ppm / Resolution: 0.05ppm / response time <60 sec
ButadieneRange: 0-200ppm / Resolution: 0.05ppm / response time <60 sec
Sensors Photoionization sensor with standard 9.8 eV or optional 10.6 eV or 11.7 eV lamps
BatteryRechargeable, external field-replaceable lithium-ion battery pack, Alkaline battery adapter
Operating Hours16 hours of operation
Display Graphic4 lines, 28 x 43mm
DataloggingStandard 6 months at one-minute intervals
DimensionsUS: 10" x 3.0" x 2.5" Metric: 25.5 x 7.6 x 6.4 cm
WeightUS: 26 oz Metric: 738 g
Manuals, Data Sheets & Software

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