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International Light Radiometer/Photometer Model 1400A
International Light

International Light Radiometer/Photometer Model 1400A

Equipment available for both rental and purchase
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Pine Item #54469

The IL1400 is a significant advancement in handheld radiometer technology in its ability to provide superior performance with no sacrifice of simplicity. A state-of-the-art microprocessor interrogates the 'smart' detector to determine correct display units. The display reads out directly in optical units, rather than scientific notation. Operating buttons are simple and straightforward.

The 'user friendliness' of the instrument opens it up to many applications in the health hazard, environmental and phototherapy fields, while its technical sophistication still lends itself to research and development applications.

The IL1400 also offers exposure integration for periods as long as 24 hours, often needed for controlling light sensitive exposure processes such as industrial photoresist, UV curing and photography.


7 decade dynamic range

NIST- traceable calibration

Direct readings in any optical units

0.2% Linearity

USB Output for Datalogging on Computer

Membrane Keypad with Backlit Display

NIST Traceable Calibration with Certificate

Large Selection of Application-Specific and General Purpose

Exposure Integration Up To 24 Hours

Ambient/Dark Zeroing Capability

Automatic Ranging and Shutoff

Battery Powered

Detector Memory Stores Units & Calibration


7 decade dynamic range

NIST- traceable calibration

Direct readings in any optical units

0.2% Linearity

USB Output for Datalogging on Computer

Membrane Keypad with Backlit Display

NIST Traceable Calibration with Certificate

Large Selection of Application-Specific and General Purpose

Exposure Integration Up To 24 Hours

Ambient/Dark Zeroing Capability

Automatic Ranging and Shutoff

Battery Powered

Detector Memory Stores Units & Calibration

Quantity must be 1 or more


Technical Specifications

Dynamic Range10 pA to 350 mA
Linearity± 0.2% ± 1 digit on the low end
PowerFour AA batteries 36 hours operation


Dimensions7.3 x 3.9\" x 1.7\"\"185 x 99 x 43 mm


Weight1.2 lbs.54 kg
Manuals, Data Sheets & Software

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