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Tisch TE-1000 PUF Pesticide Particulate/Vapor Air Sampler
Tisch Environmental

Tisch TE-1000 PUF Pesticide Particulate/Vapor Air Sampler

Equipment available for both rental and purchase
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Pine Item #51116

110 Volt 60 Hetz, Brush style motor, PUF Polyurethane Foam Ambient Air Sampler.   TE-PUF Poly-Urethane Foam sampler is a complete system designed to simultaneously collect suspended airborne particulates as well as trap airborne pesticide vapors at flow rates up to 280 liters per minute.

The TE-PUF features the latest in technological advances fUS EPA Method :or accurately measuring airborne particulates and vapors.

Quantity must be 1 or more
