
Sample Train Accessories

Equipment available for both rental and purchase

All types of stack sampling require conveying the sample to the metering or collection location. Pine carries a complete line of equipment for meeting the challenges of onsite direct extractive or dilution sampling.

The sampling conditions from source to source are always different and can require:

  • Heated probes and filter assemblies
  • Heated sample lines
  • Gas conditioning systems to remove moisture
  • In situ particulate filtering
  • Sample pumps
  • Tubing
  • Data acquisition systems

Pine stocks a complete array of heated sample lines, gas conditioning units, molecular sieves, In situ filtration, heated probes, cold probes, heated filter boxes, sample pumps, data acquisition systems, and FEP tubing. We partner with and carry: Thermo Electron, Technical Heater Sample Lines, Universal Instruments, PermaPure Dryers, Apex Instruments, Millennium instruments, ESC, and many more.

We provide technical assistance on what to rent and how to use it; we can consult on the right fit so you can get running quickly in the field.

Pine provides a first-class technical support service as well as advice on which product will be best suited to your needs. Our quality management system insures that all equipment is tested and calibrated to manufacturer’s specifications when you receive it. To find out more, please select from the products listed below.

ESC 8832 Controller