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Solinst 3001 Levelogger Edge LT M30

Solinst 3001 Levelogger Edge LT M30

Equipment available for both rental and purchase
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Pine Item #54659
The Levelogger Edge is an absolute (non-vented) water level datalogger, which measures groundwater and surface water levels and temperature. Water levels are displayed as temperature-compensated pressure readings and can be barometrically compensated with the aid of a Barologger Edge.
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Technical Specifications

Level Sensor:Piezoresistive Silicon with Hastelloy Sensor
Ranges:15, 10, 20, 30, 100, 200 m
Accuracy:± 0.05% FS
Normalization:Automatic Temp Compensation
Temp. Comp. Range:0ºC to 50ºC
Temperature Sensor:Platinum Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD)
Temp. Sensor Accuracy:± 0.05ºC
Temp. Sensor Resolution:0.003ºC
Battery Life:10 years (based on 1 reading/minute)
Clock Accuracy:± 1 minute/year (-20ºC to 80ºC)
Operating Temperature:-20ºC to 80ºC
Maximum # Readings:40,000 (up to 120,000 using data compression)
Memory:FRAM, Continuous or Slate mode
Communication Speed:9600 bps, 38,400 bps with USB optical reader
Com Interface:Optical Infra-red: USB, RS-232, SDI-12
Size:7/8" x 6.25" (22 mm x 159 mm)
Weight:129 grams (4.5 oz.)
Corrosion Resistance:Titanium based PVD coated body and superior corrosion resistant Hastelloy sensor
Other Wetted Materials:Delrin®, Viton®, 316L Stainless Steel
Sampling Modes:Linear, Event & User-Selectable Schedule with Repeat Mode, Future Start, Future Stop, Real Time View
Measurement Rates:0.125 second to 99 hours
Barometric Compensation:High accuracy, air-only, Barologger Edge
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