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Heron Small Oil Water Interface Meter
Heron Small Oil Water Interface Meter
Heron Instruments

Heron Small Oil Water Interface Meter

Equipment available for both rental and purchase
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Pine Item #

Now Certified intrinsicaly safe.
Small size but big features. Heron's small interface meter is an economical unit that will measure to 60ft(20m) below the top of the well, making it ideal for shallow wells or high water tables. The Sm.Oil interface meter measures the thickness of floating or sinking layers of hydrocarbon products in the groundwater. Many of these instruments are used by refineries, oil spill and remediation companies, land fills and site clean up projects.


  • Small, light-weight, low-cost quality meter for use in shallower wells.
  • Certified intrinsically safe. (CSA & ANSI/UL)
  • Easy to read accurate (ASME Standard) heavy duty Kynar ® Jacketed tape with stainless steel conductors.(breaking load over 300lb)
  • Tape length 60ft (20m).
  • Powered by single 9 Volt Battery.
  • Carry bag included.
  • 3 year limited warranty * 1 year warranty on replaceable probe

Tape storage reel

Durable polyester coated aluminum reel mounted on a sturdy coated frame. Soft grip handle on the back of the unit for easy use, and “third hand†, built in casing hanger that allows the unit to be suspended on the casing while the results are being recorded.

Certified intrinsically safe

  • Class 9098 01 hazardous locations
  • Class 9098 81 Hazardous locations (USA)
  • Class I groups A, B, C and D


3 year limited warranty.* 1 year warranty on replaceable probe

Optional Features

Field support kit Containing:

probe, wrenches, battery, panel nuts and cleaning brush.

Quantity must be 1 or more
