Solinst Model 464 Electronic Pneumatic Pump Control Unit

Solinst Model 464 Electronic Pneumatic Pump Control Unit

Pine Item #54850

The Model 464 Electronic Control Unit is available in 125 psi or 250 psi versions, and uses 4 AA alkaline batteries that last up to 100 hours of normal use. These Controllers can also be operated manually, using only a compressed gas source.

The 464 Electronic Pump Control Unit has automatic preset sample modes from low through high flow settings. In addition, up to 99 user-created flow rates can be saved in FRAM memory. The Pump Control Unit allows faster purge rates and precise low flow control to ensure a representative sample at 100 ml/min or less when sampling for VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds).

These convenient Pump Control Units are rugged, dependable and suitable for all environments. They are supplied with the drive and supply lines. Quick-connect fittings allow instant attachment to dedicated well caps, portable reel units and to an air compressor or compressed gas source.


125 or 250 psi availability

Can be operated manually using only a compressed gas source

Rugged dependable and suitable for all environments

Quick-connect fittings allow instant attachment to dedicated well caps portable reel units and to an air compressor or compressed gas source

Preset and customized user flow rate settings

Up to 99 user flow rates can be saved to memory


125 or 250 psi availability

Can be operated manually using only a compressed gas source

Rugged dependable and suitable for all environments

Quick-connect fittings allow instant attachment to dedicated well caps portable reel units and to an air compressor or compressed gas source

Preset and customized user flow rate settings

Up to 99 user flow rates can be saved to memory

Quantity must be 1 or more
Equipment available for both rental and purchase
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Technical Specifications

Operating Temperature:-20ºC to 50ºC
Weight:5 lbs (125 psi) 7.8 lbs (250 psi)
Dimensions:9.1 x 10.2 x 4.9” (23 x 26 x 12 cm)
Drive/Vent Time Range:0-999 seconds
Maximum Site Name Length:16 characters (upper or lowercase and numeric)
Memory Capacity:99 user flow rates in non-volatile FRAM 3 preset in Flash
Battery Life:40000 drive/vent cycles @ 25ºC from 4 AA alkaline batteries\n(100 hours based on 10 second drive/vent cycles)
Maximum Output Pressure:125 / 250 psi
Maximum Input Pressure150 / 300 psi